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"PinkSweet Signature Trio"

"PinkSweet Variety shown above" (PinkSuga Kisses Body Oil, PinkBerri Ocean Creme, PinkSuga Kisses Body Spritz Fall)

Body care, skin care whatever your preference... is a daily routine of water, bubbles, crème's, oils and scrubs... To easily achieve the ultimate benefit of PinkRadiance... Scrub three times a week. prepping for a daily dose of our BodyKisses with PinkSweet Sugar.. PinkWash, an all over mist of all natural PinkSpritz and finally the moisture barrier rub of PinkCreme...  make up the PinkSweet Body Therapy blanket-in any season!!!..

"PinkCrush shown Above" (Creme, Wash & Spritz)

Pocket your to-go PinkSpritz for daily freshness, smooth on our PinkCreme mini samples to deep condition- coating the skin with a nice shine, and don't forget to begin the day with our PinkWash lather on with a PinkPouf during shower for best results, creamy, smoothing and filled with constant moisture to clean but softening your skin all day!!  All natural, paraben free and made with love!

Take advantage of the PinkSignature Trio.. Let your BodyKisses linger all day.. Pick your PinkScent- PinkSweet Sugar Kisses, PinkMelon, PinkBerri Ocean...or PinkCrush..  Now your all set to pack your bag for that awesome couples weekend, well planned girls trip or that last minute family gathering.. Make our PinkSignature Trio's your priority every season...

"PinkRadiance with PinkGinger Mini Set"

All of our PinkBody Therapy Essentials!!! Are perfect for any time of the year... Premiere weekends, Star Studded Events, or a quick Getaway!!!  PinkRadiance is in style for every event!!!  "Get Pinked with our Winter Essentials"..







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