Pink Sweet Sugar Cookie Bath and Bodywas created out of our Creative Director Inga's "Love Affair"with the color Pink, Sweet Treats and Soothing Spas.. It all began with our love of smells, oils and the need to give ourselves another body and skin care choice.  We all have sensitive skin and love the warmth of heat and hot water so making a way for additional moisture, with natural and organic skin care is our reason for PinkSweet body care.

Every natural remedy has helped us and now, we

would like to help others with a twist of suga.. get theSweet Body Kisses you deserve.

Our Creative Director & Founder, Inga "ISA"

had begun making her own body oil as a teenager. 

She loved experimenting with oils, butters, creams and

various hues. She loves' ballerina's, TuTu's, Ballet

slippers. ISA has also danced for many

years and as a child and grew to love every shade of pink!

 We all love feeling clean, fresh, sweet and there is no other way for us to explain that but the color Pink! 

Now, all men, and women can enjoy Pink Lush Skin with the PinkRadiance only Pink Sweet Sugar Cookie Bath and Body care can give with all our love.  Adding PinkSuga Kisses, a dash of PinkCrush, a spark of PinkMelon. Sometimes  PinkCandi Rain come before the sunshine but then let us help you spice it up with our PinkJasmine, while spreading your own romance with our PinkVelvet; please stay tuned for more invorating, soothing, rejuvenating Pink Pampering. 

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